Cancellation Policy

1. Can I get a refund for my registered sessions?

If the cancellation is done by the student the following cases will be applicable:

Case#1: If cancellation occurs 48hrs before the session starts, the paid fee amount from which the following charges/costs will be subtracted by MyNation will be refunded:

  1. Payment gateway charges/costs as a result of payment transfer from the User Bank Account to MyNation Account with the Payment Gateway Company. In case the transfer is an international transfer (from outside Qatar), user will handle the additional charges/cost encountered as a result of the difference in currency or/and currency exchange rates to Qatari Riyal
  2. Payment gateway charges/costs paid by MyNation as a result of transferring the payment from the payment gateway account to MyNation Bank Account (if any)
  3. Any transfer charges/costs encountered as a result of transferring back the refunded amount from MyNation Bank Account to the Users Bank Account (transfer charges/costs include but not limited to: (a) difference in the currency value or/and currency exchange rates, (b) Bank charges/costs…etc.)
  4. MyNation Service Fee (10% of the remaining amount after subtracting the above-mentioned charges/costs)


Case#2: If cancellation occurs less than 48hrs before the session starts, 75% of the paid amount only will be refunded from which the following charges/costs will be subtracted by MyNation:

  1.  Any transfer charges/costs encountered as a result of transferring back the refunded amount from MyNation Bank Account to the Users Bank Account (transfer charges/costs include but not limited to: (a) difference in the currency value or/and currency exchange rates, (b) Bank charges/costs…etc.)
  2. MyNation Service Fee (10% of the remaining amount after subtracting the above-mentioned charges/costs).

The remaining 25% will be paid to the Tutor from which MyNation Service Fee (7.5%) will be subtracted.

Case#3: If cancellation occurs less than 24hrs before the session starts, No Payment will be refunded to the student and 60% of the total fee will be transferred to the Tutor

If the cancellation is done by the Tutor, the following will be applicable:

If cancellation occurs at any time; Tutor will have to transfer back the full amount paid to him to MyNation Bank Account. Then MyNation will refund the amount paid by the student from which the following charges/costs will be subtracted by MyNation:

  1. Any transfer charges/costs encountered as a result of transferring back the refunded amount from MyNation Bank Account to the Users Bank Account (transfer charges/costs include but not limited to: (a) difference in the currency value or/and currency exchange rates, (b) Bank charges/costs…etc.)
  2. MyNation Service Fee (10% of the remaining amount after subtracting the above-mentioned charges/costs)

2. In which cases students will not be refunded?

 Currently, there are three cases based on which students will not be refunded and it is as following:

  1. In case a male student reserves a session with a female tutor who has explicitly expressed her interest through her profile to offer her tutoring services to females only
  2. In case female student reserves a session with a male tutor who has explicitly expressed his interest through his profile to offer his tutoring services to males only
  3. In case the student didn’t confirm with the tutor the subject they would like to receive session about, before registering and pay for the session. Subject confirmation can happen through MyNation messaging system by pressing on the “message me” button that can be found in the tutor profile
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